
H&M shoppings

Hello! Pikaiset ostospäivitykset viikonlopulta ilman sen kummempia tarinoita. Päinvastoin kuin yleensä, nyt löysin kaikkea uutta ihanaa Hennesiltä... 
- kaikki vaatteet ilman erillistä mainintaa H&M-

Hello! Some pictures of my weekend shoppings. I usually never shop clothes at H&M, but this time I found manymany great things from there...
- so all clothes are from H&M and prizes are in euros-

Höyhenkaulakoru Cubuksesta.
Necklace is from Cubus.
Ripset Ebaysta - tilasin jokin aika sitten 3 pakettia ripsiä sieltä, koskaan kun ei voi tietää miltä ne sitten perille saapuessaan näyttävätkään. Nämä olivat sitten parhaat kolmikosta :D
Lashes from Ebay - these were the best of three lashes I ordered.
Kuten huomaatte, hempeän oranssi on saanut mut ihan sekaisin. Noh, se onkin ollut mun väri keväästä toiseen, ja näyttää kivalta nykyisen hiusvärinkin kanssa. Nämä kukkaset täydensivät äärettömän laajaa hiuskoristevalikoimaani hihh..
As you can see, pastel orange is the thing for me this spring - as it is every spring. These flowers look so cute with this haircolor too.
Ostelin myös kevätlakkoja - Dependit/Cubus, Miss Selene & WetnWild/Seppälä.
I also bought some spring polishes from Cubus and Seppälä.

Hupparin ostin uutena kirppikseltä, sekin sattuu olemaan H&Mn alkujaan ^^
This H&M hoodie I bought from a flea market, as good as new and loved the color.

tan shortsihaalareita, tämä oli pakko saada-ostos!
I love rompers - this one was a must have!
Tänään bongasin vielä tän tekonahkahameen...... en voinut sivuuttaa........
Today I bought this fake leather skirt..... Couldn`t resist.......

Taidanpa vetäistä tuon hameen huomenna päälle töihinkin - iltavuoroviikko, joten en voi vastustaa aamutälläytymistä ;D 

I guess I`ll put that skirt on tomorrow at work. I`m having evening shift so I can`t resist dolling up at the morning I guess ;D 


  1. I really love your style, its so unique!

  2. awhh love your blog! definitely worth the follow!
    love your outfits, and polishes!


    1. Love to hear that <3
      And welcome! :)

  3. nice haul!!! oohh you bought so many cute things :) the hoodie was a real steal :O i never find good stuff on flea markets Q_Q and the romper is super adorable!! i was so into rompers last summer :D can't wait for the weather to get warmer so i can wear them again!
    btw thanks for your comment on my lens post :) i'm glad i am not the only one who had problems like this! i thought that maybe my eyes are super sensitive or something but oh well... i have some lenses with bigger diameter, about 15mm, but they are really comfy :/ i guess the comfort really has something to do with the thickness of the lens!

    1. I`m so in love with rompers too ^^ Even though they`re not that practical at all haha... ;D
      I have had problems with lenses so many times before... sadly mostly with circle lenses - I think they simply don`t fit my eyes so right now I´m having a break of wearing them. I`m so jealous of those who can wear cirles and can`t believe some people actually feel they`re comfortable - mine never did :O
      ..But I think I`ll keep on trying to fing the perfect ones ;D

  4. Nice haul. The rompers looks great on you.


Go ahead and make my day :)